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School duties - title

Here you will find basic information on compulsory education in Poland and the documents that must be submitted when enrolling a child in school.

School responsibilities

Material assistance, regulated by separate regulations; {(In Poland there is a so-called compulsory schooling - statutory education law, which obliges children from the age of 7 to the end of the 8th grade of primary school (public or non-public) to participate in school activities, but not longer than until the age of 18. A child may fulfill compulsory schooling by attending a selected school, but this is not the only way - some parents decide to teach)}



Criteria in the act and in communal resolutions. When enrolling in primary schools, zoning is required - in the first place, candidates residing in the primary school district are admitted to schools - they are admitted ex officio on the basis of an application.  

Fulfillment of compulsory education is supervised by the school principal in the district in which the child lives / is registered. If the parents do not apply for admission to primary school, the educational authorities will ask for them. Primary schools keep a register of students on the basis of a peripheral list, which includes:

  •   children registered in the school district (these are data from the population register),

  • children residing but not registered in a given circuit - if their parents or legal guardians report them.



What documents must be submitted

When enrolling a child to school, we need:

  • an application for admitting a child to school (available at the secretariat of a given institution or on its website),

  • information about school readiness - i.e. a certificate of pre-school preparation for students of the 1st grade,

  • documents for inspection: guardian's identity card, e.g. ID card,

  • declaration of the child's residence - submitted under pain of criminal liability for submitting false declarations.


Other schools

Changing schools may seem like the final step and reserved for dramatic situations, such as when a child is bullied at school or comes into conflict with a teacher or colleagues. We think that it is very difficult for a child to change school, so it is better to avoid it. It's a challenge indeed, but sometimes it's also the best way out. Not only in the event of serious, perfectly visible problems, but also when the current school simply does not serve the child.

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